The Government of Jordan (GoJ) has received financing from the World Bank to implement the Youth, Technology, and Jobs (YTJ) project, which has become effective in April 2020. The YTJ project aims to improve digitally enabled income opportunities and expand digitized government services in Jordan. The project will build an impetus for private sector-led growth of the digital economy and make interventions to address specific constraints in the supply and demand sides of the digital economy. The project duration is five years. The Ministry of Digital Economy & Entrepreneurship (MoDEE) is the implementing agency of the YTJ project.
Established in 2021 under Associations Law No. (51) of the year 2008, where the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MoDEE) is the technical relevant Ministry, the Digital Skills Association (DigiSkills) is a novel product of years of work on making workable partnerships between the public and private sectors to enhance technical and vocational labor skills.