DigiSkillsAmman - JordanDate Posted: 2025/02/02 Login to Apply
Create, communicate, and implement the Digiskills’s vision, mission, and overall direction and lead the development and implementation of the organization’s strategy.
Develop a financial and operational sustainability roadmap to ensure the long- term stability of DigiSkills.
Secure and diversify funding sources, including government grants, private sector partnerships, and international donor programs.
Establish and manage a sustainable financial model to ensure long-term operational stability.
Manage funds efficiently and transparently to maintain credibility with stakeholders.
Strengthen internal governance frameworks and ensure operational processes are optimized for efficiency and transparency.
Build and lead a robust internal team with clear roles, responsibilities, and succession plans.
Establish systems for risk identification and mitigation, focusing on financial, operational, and reputational risks.
Interact with MoDEE and senior government officials to drive the skilling agenda across Jordan
Collaborate with industry leaders, thought leaders, and academia in order to transform the skilling landscape.
Manage relationships with key ecosystem stakeholders such as (MoDEE) and the Technical and Vocational Skills Development Commission (TVSDC).
Oversee the complete operation of DigiSkills in accordance with the direction established in the strategic plans. This includes the design of DigiSkills in a manner that facilitates operations at an optimal level.
Oversee the development of National Occupational Standards-based qualifications, accreditation of training providers, and quality assurance parameters for assessment and certification.
Data-Driven Decision-Making
Gauge industry demand and conduct periodic skill gap studies through advanced market analytics.
Build and oversee a robust monitoring and evaluation infrastructure, including a structured Labor Market Information System (LMIS) to track impact and performance metrics.
Bachelor Degree or higher in ICT, Business Administration, Economics, Public Administration and Policy, or any other related field.
Minimum of 12 years of work experience, including senior leadership and management positions with strong working experience in technology related activities.
Experience/familiarity with the digital skills ecosystem is desirable.
Strong knowledge and experience in the Jordanian ICT sector and its role as an engine of growth for the whole economy including experience in the following areas: ● E-Government ● Digital skills development ● Digital entrepreneurship ● Gig economy / digital platforms ● Overall demand and supply dynamics of the digital economy
Sound understanding of National Standards, Qualifications, Curriculum and content development processes are desirable.
Experience in government work.
Experience in dealing with national/international/multilateral agencies.
Excellent understanding of the skills eco-system including quality requirements and gaps.
Excellent leadership, business judgment and strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
Capacity to deal with conflicting priorities and deliver high quality work on schedule; facility to work successfully in multicultural teams and across boundaries.
The Government of Jordan (GoJ) has received financing from the World Bank to implement the Youth, Technology, and Jobs (YTJ) project, which has become effective in April 2020. The YTJ project aims to improve digitally enabled income opportunities and expand digitized government services in Jordan. T... read more »
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