The six thinking hats
The six thinking hats is a problem-solving technique used to explore topics, improve the quality and efficiency of decisions
-White Hat (Facts): Looking at the issue in terms of data, information, and considering all of the evidence in a non-emotional and non-biased way.
-Yellow Hat (Optimism): Looking at the issue in terms of positivity, benefits, rewards, and what is to be gained.
-Black Hat (Pessimism): Looking at the issue in terms of potential problems, flaws, obstacles, why it might not work, and the risks involved.
Red Hat (Emotions): Looking at the issue in terms of intuition, gut reaction, feelings and emotions
-Green Hat (Creativity): Looking at the issue in terms of creativity, suggestions, options and alternatives.
-Blue Hat (Planning): The blue hat is different from the other hats because it is involved in directing or managing the overall process.
"This was taken from Business/Self-development written -Edward de bono-"